Wednesday, November 30, 2011

EU trade deal

Every time I read something about the proposed international trade deal between Canada and EU, I become more frightened.

What is the object of this deal?  Destruction of Canada?  Is this what Prime Minister Harper is all about?  Has he been put in place to destroy Canada?

I don't know how anyone could even THINK of getting into this deal.

Below is information provided by Ms Elizabeth May, MP.

"We are strongly opposed to (the proposed CETA (EU) trade deal) or any trade deal with Europe that would weaken our health care system or any other aspect of Canadian sovereignty.  The CETA agreement aims to eliminate the abilty of local and provincial governments to award contracts to Canadian companies - a preferential practice that creates domestic jobs and encourages local economic growth.  Allowing European companies to bid on government contracts will negatively impact Canadian communities and employment.  Additionally, the agreement contains an investor state dispute mechanism, which would provide foreign corporations with new legal avenues to challenge, in particular, environmental regulations, and claim monetary damages from the Government of Canada.  Municipalities or provinces wishing to institute environmental regulations on industries, such as the tar sands, could be challenged by this mechanism."

Ed Farkas comment

Please note: I am not affiliated with any political party.  I will publish information from any party, if that information is helpful to the interests of ordinary Canadians. 

"Ordinary Canadians" make up about 98.5% of the population of Canada.   The other 1.5% of the population makes all the decisions, such as getting into insane trade deals which work against the interests of all Canadians. 

I say "all Canadians" above for the following reason.  Consider wealthy people with substantial indpendent income from investments and inheritances, living in beautiful residential areas.  How does it help these people if the economy is driven down and down, and more and more industries and jobs are destroyed?  So even wealthy people should be against these insane trade deals that Prime Minister Harper constantly pursues.

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